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Website Player – Pause Feature

Written by on 8 June 2022

We’ve discovered that when listeners press the ‘Pause’ button on the website player, the stream is paused, rather than stopped. When the listener presses ‘Play’ again, the stream resumes from the point at which it was paused. We don’t yet know for how long the pause holds the stream position but have tested it up to 30 minutes. This is great if listeners don’t want to miss any of a live show. But the downside is that it may be confusing if you end up listening to a track or section of the show that has long-since ended and are interacting with the presenter or other listeners in real time, for example during a LIVE quiz.

If you find this inconvenient, then refreshing the page clears the pause and enables you to catch up with the stream. Or use the ‘Popup Player’ which does not do this. We were not aware of this feature and it is not covered in the system manual but we will investigate further to see whether we can make the feature optional. It’s a cool feature but may not suit everyone!

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