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Music submissions

HLR welcomes original submissions from new, established, unsigned, signed, local and international artists. If you would like to submit your music for consideration for airplay on HLR, please email your tracks (preferably in mp3 format, >=192kbps 44.100kHz), along with information about yourself/your band to:-

We cannot guarantee to give your track/s airplay. But all submissions will be actively considered and, if we do decide to play them, we will let you know.

By submitting your tracks to HLR you confirm that you have copyright and give us permission to make digital copies of any tracks submitted, to circulate them to HLR presenters and to stream them on HLR to our listeners.

HLR is a community internet radio station run, on a not for profit basis, entirely by volunteers. We do not charge for our services and make no money from the music that we play. We do so entirely for the enjoyment of our listeners.